IAFMHS Code of Conduct


The International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS) was established in 2000 as an international non-profit association, with headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The goals of the Association can be broadly defined as follows:  

  1. To enhance the standards of forensic mental health services in the international communit
  2. To promote an international dialogue about forensic mental health, in all its aspects, including violence and family violence
  3. To promote education, training and research in forensic mental health
  4. To inform professional communities and the public about current issues in forensic mental health
  5. To promote and utilize advanced technologies in the pursuit of the above goal
  6. To form informal and formal liaison with organizations having a similar purpose

A primary part of the Association's mandate is to hold an annual conference, providing an arena for information sharing on the latest research, program development, as well as legal, administrative, and ethical matters. As well, the Association publishes the International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.


The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (the “Code”) is designed to reinforce and preserve IAFMHS’s tradition of integrity and the credibility of the Association. The Association recognizes the diversity of its membership and that many of our members may hold membership in other professional associations. No part of the Code supersedes or substitutes for the professional standards or guidelines expected of our members in their other affiliations.

Further, as part of IAFMH’s commitment to fairness, integrity, and transparency, all individuals involved in investigations and appeals processes detailed below will be required to remain free from conflicts of interest that could compromise impartiality or the perception of fairness.


This Code applies to all IAFMHS members, and any individuals involved in and/or attending IAFMHS events, activities or business.

IAFMHS Board (the “Board”) Members shall:

    • Receive no personal compensation in relation to any IAFMHS business;
    • Notify the Board of any individual who may have committed an act in contravention of this Code;
    • Foster a positive work environment free of discrimination, harassment and abuse;
    • Support IAFMHS in its efforts to advance the international standards of forensic mental health services;
    • Maintain confidentiality with respect to information they acquire from their position on the Board, except when required by law or when authorized by the Board;
    • Continue to adhere to confidentiality requirements following exit from the Board;
    • Conduct themselves professionally; and
    • Upon retirement from the Board, promptly return all relevant IAFMHS material.

IAFMHS Members shall:

    • Conduct themselves professionally when involved in and/or attending IAFMHS events, activities or business;
    • Refrain from all forms of misconduct, including discrimination, harassment, abuse, human rights violations and/or illegal activity; and
    • Report to an IAFMHS Board member any member who may have committed an act in contravention of this Code.

IAFMHS Sponsored Presenters and Vendors shall:

    • Conduct themselves professionally when involved in and/or attending IAFMHS events, activities or business;
    • Refrain from all forms of misconduct, including discrimination, harassment, abuse, human rights violations and/or illegal activity;
    • Treat members and associates of IAFMHS with professional respect; and
    • Report to an IAFMHS Board member any member who may have committed an act in contravention of this Code.

IAFMHS Representation

    • Members must seek the approval from the IAFMHS President to represent IAFMHS.
    • Failure to receive approval can result in action under this Code against the member

Complaints and Discipline


    • IAFMHS has a Complaints Committee (CC) chaired by the IAFMHS President or Past President. The President or Past President appoint positions to the CC. The CC may comprise general IAFMHS members and IAFMHS Board Members.
    • All complaints received under this Code will be considered strictly confidential and all information obtained, including identifying information about any individuals involved, will not be disclosed unless the disclosure is necessary for IAFMHS to safeguard members, conduct a thorough investigation, or take appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action. The parties to the complaint and any witnesses are expected to maintain confidentiality. Breaches of confidentiality may result in action under this Code.
    • Decisions about discipline stemming from complaints will be administered by the Discipline Committee (DC), whose members do not sit on the CC.
    • Where an investigation results in corrective and/or disciplinary action against a member, a record of such action will be maintained by IAFMHS.

Informal Resolution

    • Members should take steps to resolve any conflicts in a responsible manner between the parties when possible. Otherwise, members may wish to submit a Formal Complaint, as outlined below.

Making a Complaint

    • Complaints regarding an IAFMHS member or the operation of IAFMHS must be submitted in writing to the IAFMHS President or Past President and should include the name and contact information of the complainant and a detailed summary of the complaint. IAFMHS will not act upon any complaint unless it is received in writing. E-mail is an acceptable form of communication.
    • The President or Past President will acknowledge receipt of the complaint via e-mail to the complainant and provide the complainant with a copy of this Code.
    • The President or Past President will attempt to resolve the complaint informally to the satisfaction of the involved parties and IAFMHS, which may include conducting an investigation of the matter, if necessary.
    • If a resolution is not possible, or at the discretion of the CC, IAFMHS will hire an external investigator to investigate the issue and report back to the CC. The complainant will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and the investigator’s recommendations.

Appeal of Complaints

    • All requests for appeals of complaint outcomes and discipline decisions should be submitted in writing to the IAFMHS President. The submission should detail the nature of the appeal.
    • The Past President, if involved, will forward all relevant material regarding the complaint to the President.
    • The appellant will be asked to provide any additional information or material that may assist the President in making a decision; this information or material must be delivered in a reasonable manner and timeframe as determined by the President.
    • The President will advise the appellant via e-mail of IAFMHS’s decision in the matter.


    • All complaints are to be resolved in a reasonable timeframe.
    • Should a complaint not be resolved within 6 months of receipt, the complainant will be advised of the reasons for the delay and what steps are being taken to resolve the matter.


    • Where it is determined that corrective action or disciplinary action is to be taken against a member due to a violation of this Code, the DC will determine what action is warranted. The action may include, but is not limited to, the following:
      • Recommendations for coaching and/or counselling
      • Suspension of IAFMHS membership
      • Termination of IAFMHS membership
    • The Chair of the DC will advise the complainant (and respondent as necessary) of the outcome of the investigation including any sanctions that have been determined.

Criminal Matters

    • Where criminal proceedings are initiated against a respondent based on the allegations in a complaint that falls within the scope of this Code, IAFMHS, in accordance with the Code, will conduct its own independent investigation, if possible, into the allegations and make its own determination.
    • Members shall inform the President in writing of any criminal charges within 30 days of being notified.
    • Members must inform the President in writing of any changes in the status of the charges within 30 days of being notified of the change.


    • Retaliation/reprisal will not be tolerated. Mistreatment of an individual for: (a) invoking this Code (on behalf of themselves or another individual); (b) participating or cooperating in an investigation under this Code; or (c) associating with a person who has invoked this Code or participated in these procedures will be treated as a violation of the Code and will be dealt with accordingly. In such a case, the offender may be subject to corrective and/or disciplinary action.

Current as of 23 February 2025

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