IAFMHS Code of Conduct
The International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS) was established in 2000 as an international non-profit association, with headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The goals of the Association can be broadly defined as follows:
A primary part of the Association's mandate is to hold an annual conference, providing an arena for information sharing on the latest research, program development, as well as legal, administrative, and ethical matters. As well, the Association publishes the International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (the “Code”) is designed to reinforce and preserve IAFMHS’s tradition of integrity and the credibility of the Association. The Association recognizes the diversity of its membership and that many of our members may hold membership in other professional associations. No part of the Code supersedes or substitutes for the professional standards or guidelines expected of our members in their other affiliations.
Further, as part of IAFMH’s commitment to fairness, integrity, and transparency, all individuals involved in investigations and appeals processes detailed below will be required to remain free from conflicts of interest that could compromise impartiality or the perception of fairness.
This Code applies to all IAFMHS members, and any individuals involved in and/or attending IAFMHS events, activities or business.
IAFMHS Board (the “Board”) Members shall:
IAFMHS Members shall:
IAFMHS Sponsored Presenters and Vendors shall:
IAFMHS Representation
Complaints and Discipline
Informal Resolution
Making a Complaint
Appeal of Complaints
Criminal Matters
Current as of 23 February 2025